Primeval Fanon Wiki

Homo venator means "Hunter man," and indeed it was. Homo venator was not the most intelligent of early humans, but it was a survivor. They evolved in Africa around the same time as Homo erectus and followed erectus out of Africa, because H. venator hunted H. erectus and other early hominids. But Homo erectus defeated them with brains, not brawn, and ritually destroyed the remains to erase them from the fossil record. Homo venator was exiled to the Himalayas, where they would venture into the lowlands to terrorize Homo erectus and modern humans until they had enough and drove them back into the mountains. Some of them migrated to North America and inspired the legend of Bigfoot before going extinct. Others generated the tale of the yeren and the yeti and the wildmen in Europe before finally they faded from time. But as an instinct, we still fear these nocturnal predators and myth has made the hairy man commonplace in our legends. Even after extinction, the hunter man is still hunting us in our nightmares and waiting for a chance to strike…


Homo venator was shaped like a human, but think bigger. It was around the size of a mountain gorilla and covered in dense fur with a conical head. It was powerfully built and capable of making tools, very good at using them and very willing to use them on it's natural prey, hominids, which means us. Homo venator is split into four known subspecies - H. v. saquatchis, aka Bigfoot; H. v. mons, the yeren and yeti; H. v. europeanis, the wild man and the ogre; and H. v. æthiopius, the original common ancestor of the other subspecies.
